Runner at Large

My whole life, I have viewed runners with a sense of awe. Now I am one of those, and I am extremely proud to be considered a runner.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Cushioning a Toenail

I've never had a black toenail.

This rite of passage into the world of distance running has always escaped me, and I have spent years reading about the greats and comparing their first black toenails, a side effect of a strong distance run, wondering when my turn would come.

I sit here today with a sore toenail. It is not yet black. Because I do not know much about toenails, I don't know if it will become black or not. It started when Dave and I ran a 10-miler Saturday while Ted biked. He did very good, and we stayed side-by-side the entire run. Sunday I woke up a bit sore, and very irritated, wondering why I ever thought I would be able to run the half next Sunday. But my toenail is what really bothered me.

This morning I had a 5-mile run, and the toenail is still sore. If I touch it, it feels like a pin. When I walk, I have to be careful it doesn't hit any part of my shoe. I would kill for some flip-flops right now.

My biggest complaint is the timing. If this were a normal week, I'd take it easy until the toenail started to feel better. But should I forego my last one or two runs before Sunday to coddle my toe? Or do I just need to take a deep breath and push through the pain?

Normally, I'd be more excited about the possibility of joining the "Black Toenail Club". I've been waiting years for it. But I did NOT want one six days before my biggest race to date.

And it's not even black yet!!!! Advice!?


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