Runner at Large

My whole life, I have viewed runners with a sense of awe. Now I am one of those, and I am extremely proud to be considered a runner.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Body vs. Brain recently had a poll posted on their website that went a little something like this:

During long runs, what gives out first--your body or your brain?

The results when I looked were almost even, with body leading brain by something like 53% to 48%, or something along those lines. I had initially voted "Brain", but then really got to thinking about the response.

Does my "brain" go first during a long run? At what point does it decide it's done motivating me and begins to make me focus on the coffee at home, or the pool waiting, or the list of chores I have to accomplish that evening? Or does the body really go first, sending the signal to my brain that it is done, which causes the brain to think of alternative activities I could be doing at that very moment? Screw the chicken or the egg--the real question is the body or the brain?

I've come to the conclusion that the brain and the body are really a conspiracy teamed up against my will. My will has a go get 'em attitude and if will alone were a factor, I would already have marathon after marathon under my belt. The will makes me forget the pain my body experiences, and the doubt my brain chips in, when it comes to training. At this very point in time, all I remember about Broad Street last year and the Philly Half this past November is the excitement, the fun I had, and the overwhelming sense of pride at completing the races. That is my will--screaming "Let's do that again!"

Now that training is underway, my body and my brain are beginning to see how far they can push the envelope. I think the two tag day my body decides to be sore and tired and uncooperative. The next, my brain decides to issue an "I need something cozy and comfortable" alert. And between the two, my will hardly stands a chance.

Until it relies back on how race day feels.

At least my body and my brain let the will have its moment in the sun...and at least, as much as they may fight, at the end of the day, the will does win the battle.


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